Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

on Dog Daycare & Dog Boarding at Club K9


Welcome to Club K9. Our qualified staff is eager to assist you with set-up and registration for dog daycare or overnight dog boarding.
To get started at our San Ramon location,  phone our office at (510)247-9600 or visit us in person at 10671 Crow Canyon Road, in San Ramon – Castro Valley. To make certain your pup feels comfortable in our social environment, we offer first time visitors a complementary day of dog daycare. Complimentary dog daycare can be set up with a prearranged appointment Monday thru Sunday between the hours of 10:30 am – 2pm.  Please give us a call to schedule an appointment at your earliest convenience..
To get started at our Fremont-Sunol location phone our office at (925) 862-1900 or visit us in person at 5815 Mission Road, Sunol, CA.  Unlike or San Ramon facility, no pre-arranged familiarization visit is required.  Simply call us to book your reservation and we will take important information regarding your pets upcoming visit over the phone. Lastly, please bring up-to-date vaccination records with you when you drop off your dog for it’s visit.  Please review our vaccination requirements. We accept all dogs, personalities and breeds including intact or non-neutered or spayed guests..


Club K9 is open from 7 AM to 7 PM, daily for Dog Boarding and Dog Daycare Services.  For your convenience, you may drop off and pick up your pet anytime between these hours. Tours are also available seven days a week  between 10:30AM -2:00PM with a scheduled appointment. We are open for all holidays, but do not allow drop off and pick up service on: Christmas Day, New Years Day, Thanksgiving Day and Easter Sunday.


Club K9 San Ramon is one of a few Dog Boarding and Dog Daycare facilities that accepts non-neutered and non-spayed dogs up until the age of one year. Intact dogs over that age are not accepted. Several un-spayed females are safely grouped together in the same play yard; however we do not accept any females in heat.

No more than one intact male is ever placed in a play yard with our dog daycare and dog boarding program.  At times, Club K9 may have more intact male dogs than available yards. As a result, please understand that your intact male may be in a single play area, waiting its turn to be rotated into its respective dog daycare play group.

Club K9 Fremont- Sunol accepts intact guests for dog boarding and dog daycare services regardless of age. Additionally, we accommodate for dogs that enjoy playing with other dogs, or dogs that prefer human interaction without canine interaction.

My dog is on medication?

Several of our staff members are vet technicians and are qualified to administer medication during Dog Boarding or Dog  Daycare at no charge. In addition, staff members are CPR certified and trained to be on the look out for any medical problems.


Club K9 does not require a reservation for it’s Dog Daycare program after registering as a client. Simply keep your vaccinations current and our convenient “drop-in” service offers you the flexibility you need, at a moment’s notice.

Reservations are needed prior to an overnight Dog Boarding stay at Club K9. To make a Dog Boarding reservation, please call (510)247-9600 or send an email to

MY DOG IS not CRATE trained?

Most dogs that visit Club K9 San Ramon for dog boarding and dog daycare services are not crate trained at home and they do exceptionally well.  Inform our staff of any special issues or adverse reactions your dog may have had in the past.
Club K9 Fremont Sunol does not use crates for it’s dog boarding and dog daycare services. You can choose from a variety of suite options with indoor/outdoor access.


Safety is a main priority, so all guests using our Dog Boarding and Dog Daycare are services are screened to ensure that vaccinations are completely up-to-date. Please bring proof of these with you so that we can accommodate you with a Dog Boarding  or a Dog Daycare visit. Vaccinations required include up-to-date Bordatella, Distemper and Rabies.  Canine Influenza is recommended.


Club K9 recommends that you bring your dog’s own food to prevent stomach upset. (Refrigeration is available). Club K9 provides Vet approved Eukanuba dog food at no additional charge. Additionally, we provide an Rx food used to treat diarrhea if digestion issues develop.  Complementary enticements are available: Organic Chicken Broth, Organic Cottage Cheese, Pureed Organic Pumpkin.

Club K9 supplies everything your dog needs for overnight dog boarding or dog daycare.  We do recommend bringing something from home that has your scent such as a worn T-shirt and a favorite toy.

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